Baby Everlie
Hello friends!
It's June and I am officially back from maternity leave! This month is already filling up nicely and I'm feeling the love. Missed you guys!
Thought I'd update you on the happenings of my leave and introduce you to my new beauty, Everlie! Aaaand because I'm such a birth and baby junkie, I thought I'd share my story!
She arrived 5 days after her due date which I thought I could handle...but it was way harder than I thought! Not even the being pregnant part, more of the "any news?" "still pregnant?" "no baby?" questions! And also thinking my water was going to break every time I stood up for 2 weeks, ha! It broke first with my first girl, so I was expecting it, but it didn't work that way this time!
I woke up at 8:30ish in the morning with some cramping but thought it wasn't the real deal because they were nothing like my contractions last time. Fast forward an hour, they're in the same spot but a lot more painful. I called my awesome midwife on call and she said wait an hour ish. Come 11am, my entire family in my house was begging me to go to the hospital, but I still didn't think they were the real deal! I decided to go ahead and stop making them feel like they were going to have to deliver a baby in my doorway and headed to the hospital with my husband at 11am. Welp, they were right! I was 8cm dilated and moved to a 10 with in 20 minutes! My heart almost burst when I found out that Molly MacMorris-Adix was the midwife on call. Molly was the one that was there for us when we lost our last baby at 10 weeks gestation, Finley. She hugged me like I was the first person to ever have a loss. I felt so validated and cared for by her, she permanently won a place in my heart. The fact that SHE was the one on call and there to deliver our rainbow baby (baby born after a loss, "the rainbow after a storm") was a message from our Finley! This is Molly and Sarah (in the foreground), a midwifery student she was training!
Taken by our awesome labor nurse, Elyse!
Pushed for an hour and a half (yep I'm one of those), but my amazing playlist and good company made it bearable. I do recall apologizing for my swear words more than know. My sweet hubs caught our girl at 1:52pm! We got more than an hour of skin to skin! I will say though....her umbilical cord could have been a little longer!! LOL! I wanted her higher up!!
Photo taken by my husband, Jacob.
Pretty happy with himself after catching a slippery baby! Photo by our nurse, Elyse.
Grandma, Uncle, Aunt and BIG SISTER came as soon as they could to meet our sweet 8lb 2 oz babe. Big Sister Parker is such a natural and totally smitten with "her baby,"
Taken by my husband, Jacob
We were sent home the next afternoon to start our life as a family of 4! Parker is so in love with her baby sister. I'm figuring out how to navigate toddler tantrums and a crying baby but we are getting along well enough! Ha!
Thank you for all your well wishes and for your commitment as a client, waiting for me during this fresh time! Looking forward to seeing your faces this summer and fall!
Holly, Jacob, Parker and Everlie.
Think Good Things Photography