the heart of life
is good
— John Mayer
Rowen Dean

Rowen Dean

This adorable couple met back in college and still seem SO in love with each other, years later! It was heartwarming to see how much they had fallen in love with their new baby boy too. So much love here!

Jillian is a high school counselor and has an amazing ability to connect with people, I feel like we had been friends for years. I'm so thrilled for her and Riley and can't wait to witness they story as they grow and learn from this little guy! 

Little man did such a fantastic job, I'm looking forward to photographing him as he grows up! And big ups to his Mama for being fearless in helping me with a couple composite poses and Dad for being so willing to help out in any way he could! It didn't feel at all like we had just met - my favorite type of session! 

The Markham Family

The Markham Family

From Belly to Baby - Baby Jaxon!

From Belly to Baby - Baby Jaxon!