the heart of life
is good
— John Mayer
2022 / Unicorn Mini Sessions

2022 / Unicorn Mini Sessions

U N I C O R N M I N I S E S S I O N S are back! Here's the booking link!
Unicorn Mini Sessions Booking Link

One date for now but I have the option to add more! Currently trying to avoid scheduling any in the HOT SUMMER like last year 🤣

This year, our Unicorn's name is Ginger🦄 She's a beautiful brown Welsh-Quarter Cross Pony Unicorn with a golden horn and pink + white florals. Location is near Marquam Inn, Mt. Angel.

Fall 🍁 Mini 🍁 Sessions / Booking NOW! (Family Minis)

Fall 🍁 Mini 🍁 Sessions / Booking NOW! (Family Minis)

Crocker Family Session

Crocker Family Session